
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Valentine day...

Finally....after so long it's the valentine day it was hard in preparing ..coz haf to crack my brain on what to give to my dear dear and how to present the gifts that i prepare for her..luckily piglet solved the problem for planning the whole sequence of events leading to the presentation of our newest baby...Giant...shall show u the photo was so worth it just to see the look on dear dear face when she saw giant...she was overjoyed and remain in extremely good mood for the whole v-day and the day after v-day....worth every bit of trouble that i spent...lugging the huge giant from carrefour to sim lim square and then to lavender to take bus...ignoring the stares of passer-by on the started off with an innocent the form of piglet big movie...with piglet telling his life story......then having dear dear to sign the contract of love....declaring that she will love piglet no matter wat..surprisingly dear dear didnt suspect anything yet...haha..then piglet led dear to my van where i open to announce the arrival of our latest baby...Giant..

Dear was so happy that she treated me to dinner on question...Which bf can boast on v-day that it's actually his gf that pay for the dinner instead of's me it's me
But i suspect it's all part of a big conspiracy....hmm..coz i suspect that she knows she's getting in order to bring me on par with her...she tried making me fat...firstly by giving me a huge box of chocolate/sweet to eat.....then next by treating me to a wonderful dinner....hmmm....
but i loved the smacker that she made for me....good for smacking the naughty babies and dear dear when she's naughty i haf two of those...
thanx dear dear for the wonderful gifts...
love u and Happy valentine day..!!!


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