Sunday, August 20, 2006

Although it was a short 15 mins, Dear Dear actually took like 5 video clips of me "blading", from the very start where this nice friendly gal from the blading rental shop taught me the basic steps of blading, holding onto the handrails, blading without any support, to finally falling hard on my butt. Haha. But I not sure how to post it in blog, and anyway I look so clumsy and funny when I fell down, so probably shall keep it in my personal folder..haha..and I was saying in the last post, the rest of the 45 mins was spent mostly taking photos with Giant! Yes! We brought Giant along to East Coast Park. As the car was not exactly clean, we even got a cushion and let Giant sat on it. Here is a photo of me with Giant drinking his favourite drink, Big Gulp. Hee..our colours super matching, my red Adidas top that Dear Dear bought for me, Giant's Man United Jersey, the red cushion that Giant sitting on and the Red Big Gulp! Haha. I put the guards for show only, already took off my blades, as I already had blisters forming...really should invest one myself, the rental blades stinks and are deformed..I tried my best not to touch Giant with the smelly guards, he just had a bath! haha.

This is my first time blading. I wanted to give it a try first to see whether I like it before I go invest in one blades. BUT after this session, I think I am going to buy one liao cos the rental blades are VERY VERY VERY SMELLY, esp the guards! In the end, I only blade for 15 mins although I rented for one hour, wasted my money, cos its really too smelly that I cannot tahan, felt like puking. Poor Dear Dear has to go to 7 Eleven and buy me a Big Gulp while I just sat on the floor resting. Haha. Really CMI.